How Pet Sensors Help Businesses Avoid False Alarms

Welcome to my blog on technology and automation. My name is John Spielberg. I have always felt that we fail to use technology to it's fullest potential. There is so much that we do that is repetitive or unnecessary out of habit and these inefficiencies take time out of our lives. I always felt that I wasn't spending enough time with my family and I realized that much of this was because I was not using technology to cut many of the repetitive tasks out of my life. I had to undergo a reeducation in order to learn how to tech better and what i have learned is discussed throughout my blog.

How Pet Sensors Help Businesses Avoid False Alarms

19 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Security systems help keep businesses from serious loss through robbery. However, many false alarms occur when random animals or pets walk by the alarm sensors. Dealing with this problem is, therefore, an important thing for any business to consider.

A False Alarm Can Be A Problem

When pets walk by a business and trigger their alarm system, there may be some problems. While the company owner isn't likely to get in any legal trouble, a false alarm is likely to trigger certain fees from the security company. False alarms, even accidental ones, cost security companies money to investigate. As a result, they typically charge people small fees to recoup these losses. That's why it is so important to find a way to keep pets from triggering a security system. Businesses that have suffered from this problem need to invest in pet-proof sensors.

Pet-Proof Motion Sensors Can Help

Alarm systems operate by using sensors to read movement outside of a building. A traditional sensor will trigger if there is any movement and cause the alarm to go off. Most security systems will then send this warning back to the security company that is tracking the company building.

However, pet-proof motion sensors can avoid this problem by filtering out pet movements and ensuring that they don't cause an accidental alarm. Understanding and installing these systems are crucial for many businesses, particularly those in large cities, as a large number of small animals or pets may end up walking by their building at night.

Installing Them Properly

When a company buys pet-proof alarm scanners for their perimeter, they need to make sure they are installed properly. For example, it is important to place them in places that are hard to notice and which are less likely to be blocked by a physical object. Placing a scanner too far down on the wall (less than two feet or so) will cause a potential blockage that can make it worthless.

It is also important to calibrate it with professionals to ensure that it reads properly. Bring pets, such as dogs, to the company building and let them wander in front of the alarm system. These sensors should read their weight, body temperatures, and movement patterns properly. If they work, the pet won't cause any type of reaction from the alarm.

These simple steps ensure that a business is safe from the kinds of false alarms triggered by wandering animals. They are especially important if feral animals, such as cats, are common in the neighborhood. In this way, a company stays protected from theft without suffering the risk of false alarms.