4 Cyber Security Best Practices To Stay Safe Online

Welcome to my blog on technology and automation. My name is John Spielberg. I have always felt that we fail to use technology to it's fullest potential. There is so much that we do that is repetitive or unnecessary out of habit and these inefficiencies take time out of our lives. I always felt that I wasn't spending enough time with my family and I realized that much of this was because I was not using technology to cut many of the repetitive tasks out of my life. I had to undergo a reeducation in order to learn how to tech better and what i have learned is discussed throughout my blog.

4 Cyber Security Best Practices To Stay Safe Online

24 August 2020
 Categories: Technology, Blog

There is certainly no shortage of threats on the internet these days; from phishing schemes to ransomware attacks and everything in between, it seems as though a new type of threat is always just looming around the corner of the web. More than ever, it's important for individuals and business owners to take additional cyber security precautions. Specifically, there are a few best practices you should be following to keep your information safe.

Stick to Secured Networks

Free, public networks can be convenient when you want to browse the web at your local coffee shop or are waiting for your flight at the airport. However, it's important to understand that these networks are also unsecured, meaning that anything you do over these networks can be seen by others. With this in mind, it's best to stick to secured networks whenever possible--and if you must use a public network, don't use it to log into any accounts or send/receive any sensitive data.

Get Serious About Your Passwords

Hackers now have access to software that can crack passwords more quickly and easily than ever, so make sure you're taking extra measures to strengthen your passwords. This means choosing a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters (if possible) that cannot be easily guessed or cracked. Furthermore, change your passwords regularly and try to use different passwords for different accounts.

Be Aware of Phishing Schemes

Phishing schemes are a major online threat and are often carried out via email. When you receive an email with a link or file attached, always check the email address of the sender to make sure it is legitimate. Watch out for signs of "spoofed" email addresses, and consider running attachments through a virus/malware checker before you open them--especially if the email address is an unfamiliar one.

Consider a Remote Backup Server

It never hurts to have your data backed up somewhere else, just in case you do end up falling victim to an online data breach or another attack. Opting for a remote backup server allows you to store copies of your files at a third party location for additional peace of mind and security. These backup servers are often offered by web hosting companies and cyber security services.

These are just a few best practices to keep in mind when it comes to keeping your information safe online. With a little proactive thinking, you can reduce your chances of becoming a victim. If you're interested in cyber security services, contact a company near you.