
Welcome to my blog on technology and automation. My name is John Spielberg. I have always felt that we fail to use technology to it's fullest potential. There is so much that we do that is repetitive or unnecessary out of habit and these inefficiencies take time out of our lives. I always felt that I wasn't spending enough time with my family and I realized that much of this was because I was not using technology to cut many of the repetitive tasks out of my life. I had to undergo a reeducation in order to learn how to tech better and what i have learned is discussed throughout my blog.

3 Tips For Getting Into The Stock Market

20 May 2017
 Categories: Technology, Blog

If you want to grow your finances, the stock market is an excellent way to go about it. You will be able to build your wealth for the long haul, through an avenue that is exciting and rewarding. If you want to learn a little bit more about getting started in the stock market in a way that builds long term success and learning, consider these points below and apply them. Read More …

Ready To Start Your Own Graphic Design And Marketing Freelance Business? What You Need

19 May 2017
 Categories: Technology, Blog

If you are looking to develop high quality graphic design work for your advertising company, you have to show your potential clients what you can do. In order for them to see what you are capable of, they will want to have examples of your work in hand. To do this properly, be sure that you get the best electronics to help with your business. Look into these different types of products, so know what to buy when you want your work to look its best. Read More …

3 Suggestions For Creating A Home Office

19 May 2017
 Categories: Technology, Blog

Do you need an office so you can have a designated space for running a business from home? If you have an extra room in your house, you can create an office in no time. All you will need is a few pieces of furniture and some office equipment that will make running your home business easier. Even if you don't have a designated room that can be used as an office, a small area in a bedroom might be sufficient enough to accommodate your needs. Read More …

3 Points To Consider If You’re Shopping For An Ipv4 Address

17 May 2017
 Categories: Technology, Blog

The internet is a vast resource of information, but you need to be sure that you are conscious of the tools you use when browsing. One thing to consider is the type of IP address that you employ -- whether you decide on an IPv4 or IPv6. The IPv4 is a popular type of IP address that a number of people decide to use, and for good reason. So if you are in need of an IP address for your home or business, consider this information below so that you can learn about the benefits of IPv4, IPv4 market price and other relevant information. Read More …

6 Ways to Create an Amazing Home Theater Room

4 May 2017
 Categories: Technology, Articles

Whether you are adding a home theater as part of your design for a brand new home, or converting a basement or other space into a home movie theater, designing the perfect home theater requires planning and thought. The ideal home theater offers the comfort, sound, and visual experience of a movie theater in the comfort of your own home. Here are six ways to create a truly amazing home theater room: Read More …